New solar wind farm planned for the Isle of Wight

A new solar and wind farm has been approved by the Isle of Wight council, backed by many residents and the National Trust, and plans are now in action for building this large-scale renewable energy farm. With the ability to power nearly 10,000 homes per year and with an increasing reliance on fossil fuels causing skyrocketing energy prices and a lack of eco-sustainability, these plans are an exciting step forward for renewables. Let’s take a look at what these plans mean for your home and whether you should consider the switch to solar.

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What is solar energy?

Solar energy is a clean, green alternative to traditional fossil fuels. Solar farms offer plenty of economic, social and environmental benefits, powering homes using electricity converted from natural sunlight via special solar panels. Dropping fossil fuels and making the move to solar panels can save costs for homeowners whilst contributing to a greener, healthier future.

The plans in the Isle of Wight are a great indicator of the future expansion of solar. For those looking to take advantage of green energy, expert solar panel installers Avonmouth and the surrounding area offer solutions.

How can householders benefit from solar energy?

Solar panel installation for your home will enable you to benefit from renewable energy. Used efficiently, solar panels will decrease your reliance on the grid and can provide up to 60 per cent of your energy, saving money and reducing your carbon footprint. According to the BBC, more solar panels than ever before are being installed; in fact, enquiries were up tenfold last year.

Solar panel installers in Avonmouth have experienced a busy season, with the first solar farm on the National Grid switched on near Bristol this year. The Isle of Wight development looks set to increase solar energy’s popularity even further.

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Renewable energy and its usage are becoming much more widespread. With many benefits, including cost savings, a positive environmental impact and a decreased reliance on harmful and expensive fossil fuels, more and more homeowners are considering a solar switch-on.

Maurice Andrews

Maurice Andrews

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