Tackling Climate Change at Home

Climate change is something that we urgently need to tackle on a global scale – but there are also lots of things that we can all do to help contribute to helping the planet to recover from the problems that it has endured at the hands of humans.

If every person makes changes to the way they live, it will have a significant impact on the environment – here are some of the things that you can do…

Grow your Own Food and Buy Locally Produced Food – Lots of food in the shops has travelled a long way to be with us and is often produced at the detriment to the local environment, where natural habitats are cleared for farmland. You can also grow some food yourself which is not only healthy but also will save you from buying it.

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Use Renewable Energy – Technology has allowed us to harness the power of renewable forms of energy that is less damaging to the environment. Powering your home with solar panels can save you money too! Speak to someone like this solar panel installers Nailsea based company https://redbridgeandsons.co.uk/solar-pv-panels/solar-panel-installers-nailsea to find out more about solar panels and how you can use them in your home.

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Reuse and Recycle – Rather than throwing things away which causes pollution and rubbish to build up in landfill, there are lots of ways that you can reduce your waste. From using a reusable coffee cup rather than buying disposable ones every day that you throw away, to buying clothes second hand rather than brand new.

Maurice Andrews

Maurice Andrews

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