Pink salons

Pink salons

We spent most of the hours we are at home in the living room, so it’s normal that we get tired and get bored decoration of this room from time to time. So occasionally, it does not hurt to give a change of scenery to this important room in the house. If you think you’ve already time to redecorate your living room, we recommend you to be very attentive to what we tell you today, and we will propose it in a color that has been unjustly underrated.

Pink salons
Image Source: Google Image

We are referring to pink, but has always been linked to the female sector, it may be ideal for all travelers. The important thing is knowing how to use. Today RealOrigin not only give you the keys to use the pink in the lounge, but we’re going to show a lot of pictures that can be very useful to bring you the inspiration you need. Would you like to join us?

Advantages and disadvantages of decorating the room in pink

The first thing we do is tell all the advantages decorate the room in pink. So, you should know that this is a very positive color that has an energetic character but not aggressive. In fact, it represents love, romance and happiness. It is also important that you consider that transmits calm, as long as soft hues chosen. Furthermore, it is purifying and harmonizer and is related to the delicacy and innocence.

Pink salons
Image Source: Google Image

Logically, before decanter this color also must take into consideration their drawbacks as, for example, which is detested by most men and many adult women. On the other hand, you should know that having children connotations and is related to weakness of character, so overly sensitive or low self-esteem people should be careful when using it. Also, if it is not used properly, you can create space too corny or female. The trick is to find the balance.

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Pink salons
Image Source: Google Image

Different shades of pink

When decorating the room in pink you can opt for any of its versions, but considering some considerations. Thus, it is important not to overdo the vivid hues. Ideally, these are only present in textiles, fashion, decorative objects or small furniture auxiliary. Yes, if you like bold decorations, you can also put in your living room armchair or sofa in a garish pink. It can also be a good idea to paint a single wall in this color. Instead, the lighter pink tones you can give them more prominence. In fact, they may be present in all kinds of elements. Yes, it is always preferable to combine them with other tones for the stay is not too boring, cheesy or female.

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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