How you can use CCTV cameras in domestic settings.

CCTV cameras used to be used solely in commercial and industrial settings, but over recent years, more and more people have started using them in their domestic settings. A CCTV Gloucester based company such as can help with any cameras that you may want to use in or around your home. Here are some suggestions of locations where you might want to place CCTV.

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Garages – many people store high priced items such as bikes, cars and garden equipment in their garages, and a camera can be a great way to protect these. You could place the camera internally or have it positioned so that you can monitor who comes and goes through the door.

Perimeter – if your home backs onto a busy road or even a secluded alleyway, you might want to think about having cameras positioned so as to cover these areas. You should also think about having movement sensitive lights also installed in these areas. These will help to act as a deterrent for people thinking of entering your property.

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Front door – there are lots of options where doorbells are combined with a camera that allows you to see who is at your front door before you even open it. It also allows you to respond to people at your front door even if you are not at home. This is usually carried out through an app that is connected to your mobile phone.

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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