Considerations before painting your meter box

Age, the elements and even vandalism can have an adverse impact upon your meter box. General wear and tear can also negatively affect the appearance, which will lead many homeowners to wonder if it is feasible to paint meter boxes.

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Safety is a priority when dealing with meter boxes

Safety should always be taken into account when painting an electric or a gas meter box. Fire retardant paints are often used to coat boxes, as they provide an additional layer of safety. Householders should ensure that the paint chosen does not change the properties of the enclosure for example, some paints can have an adverse impact upon the insulation of a GRP (glass reinforced plastic) meter box.

Before starting any painting job, it is important to know what the surface is created from, as this will determine the type of paint you will require. Some boxes are made from glass reinforced plastic, while others fixed to homes are made using metal. Glass reinforced plastic is the preferable option, as this tends not to corrode as much. They are also lighter and enjoy more thermal insulation.

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Vandalism, ageing and weathering can all be addressed by professionals

Gas meter boxes that require repairs or simple cosmetic touch-ups can be upgraded by professionals. Customers who wish to repair a current gas meter box can have the improvements carried out by a number of firms. Such gas meter box solutions will address a range of problems, whether they are caused by vandalism, ageing or weathering.

According to The Register, the UK government says that electricity suppliers have an additional four years to meet the targets for installing smart meters. The original EU target was 2020, but this has been put back to 2024. The appraisal period has also been extended, this time from 2030 to 2034.

Paint that is used for household pipes may not necessarily be suitable for boxes. If the wrong paint is applied, it will eventually flake off and the end result will not be what you had initially hoped for. If in doubt, always consult a professional before undertaking any risky work yourself – remember that you are dealing with gas and electricity and any errors can result in serious injury.

Done correctly, a touch-up can enhance the whole property and make it more aesthetically appealing.


Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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