How To Choose The Right Flowers

Each time the choice of colors takes me a huge amount of time, because I do not really want to buy a bouquet, which in an hour will turn into a broom. And not because I took them for a long time, but because the flowers were not very fresh. When choosing roses, I look at the leaves, on the cut of the stem and on how closely the sepals (green part of the flower) adhere to the buds. This concludes my knowledge. Sometimes it turns out to choose the right flower, sometimes – no.

I offer you just a few tips to choose fresh Flowers For Everyone. The tips are very simple and obvious, but getting into the flower shop and finding themselves among the riot of colors and smells, some all get out of my head. Moreover, if you add here the magic of a well-trained seller, you find yourself already on the porch of a store with a ready bouquet.

Choose half-blown flowers with buds

Of course, a fully bloomed flower looks much prettier than a half-blown or bud. But the blossoming flower will not last long and will soon wither. The best option – half-dissolved mixed with buds. Then this bouquet can very long please the eye.

When choosing buds, you also need to be very careful, as sometimes sellers remove the wilted petals and the already opened flower magically turns into a bud. Of course, a bouquet of such flowers is very small. In this case, you need to look at the sepals – if it fits snugly into the bud, then the flower is still fresh. And if it has dried up and completely opened, then you are offered a long bloomed flower.

Carefully inspect the stem and leaves

Leaves and stem should be without damage and look fresh, and to the touch – fleshy and elastic. The same applies to the appearance of the petals. If the leaves look sluggish, this means that the flower is no longer the first freshness and, possibly, the stem is damaged. And it is better to choose plants with straight stems. The more bends, the more difficult it is for moisture and nutrients to reach the bud.

Check for diseases and insects

When buying flowers other than appearance, you need to pay attention to the presence of insects or diseases. Otherwise, you risk bringing with you uninvited guests – ants and aphids. A white coating on the leaves can also be a sign of illness. And if the owners of the house have flowers, guests may want to stay permanently and then they will have to treat all indoor plants with a special tool. And in general, a flower with gnawed leaves or plastered with ants is not the most pleasant gift for a girl.

Check the cut places and the lower leaves

After carefully examining the integrity and availability of local residents, you should pay attention to the stems and lower leaves. If the flower has been standing in the water for a long time (which means it is obviously not the first freshness), its stem and lower leaves will be slightly rotten. Also, dry or yellowed sections should be avoided – this also means that the plant was cut off quite a long time and was without water for a long time.

And a little from myself

Make sure that your girlfriend does not have any prejudices about color and origin (family) and she is not fond of horoscopes. If so, then you will need to familiarize yourself with the values (yellow for separation, for violets for solitude, etc., etc.), so that there are no misunderstandings and hints that you do not even suspect. In life there are different.

I always wondered why some men like to give one rose tall with a skyscraper? Some manage to find so long that the rose is tall with the girl herself. I do not know what exactly men are guided by when buying these miracle staves, but, firstly, it is terribly inconvenient to carry and constantly want to throw on your shoulder or shove under your arm. Agree, the girl at the ready with a huge flower – the spectacle is not particularly romantic. Especially if the rose is with long and hard thorns. Secondly, usually these flowers wither very quickly, because the stem is too long and reaches quite a bit to the flower of moisture.

And, finally, thirdly, have you ever seen a vase that can hold a stalk of this length? All the same, it should be cut off. And what kind of flowers do you prefer to give? What are you guided by when choosing?

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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