Make sure your Reception is Working Well for your Business

The reception area of any workplace is the first place that visitors will see when coming to your business, so you want them to get the right idea about your company! Here are a few things that you should consider when creating the reception area…

Think about your company branding and what your messages are as a company, as well as the work ethos. For example, are you a fun and creative company? Do you have a strong eco-friendly message? Are you a serious and professional company? This should come across in how the reception area is designed. As well as this, you should make it a clear and easy to find area for visitors, as well as being comfortable – make sure you have quality reception chairs from somewhere like Bestbuy-officechairs for guests who are waiting.

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Reception staff should also be aware of their importance in being the face of the company. Their appearance should be in line with the company branding – for example, a trendy young company won’t want the reception staff to be suited and booted. A friendly demeanour and an efficient nature are also key skills that reception staff should have.

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Making sure that the reception area is clean, and tidy is hugely important. This area can get quite busy throughout the day, so will naturally become quickly messy if it is not kept up together properly. Regularly clean the areas that are most used, as well as making sure that it is free of clutter.

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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