Four considerations when refurbishing your kitchen on a budget

If you are thinking of updating your kitchen but you only have a small budget, there are plenty of things you can do to save money. This blog post will go through four popular budgeting options to help you revamp your kitchen for less.
Reuse and Recycle

You can add up to 10% to the value of your home if you refurbish your kitchen, so it is definitely a project worth doing. The first thing to look at is whether you can reuse or recycle any of the existing cupboards or appliances in your kitchen.

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If the carcasses of the cupboards are still in good condition and in a good location, you can just replace the doors. And if the appliances still work well, you don’t need to replace them.

DIY If You Can

The biggest cost in kitchen refurbishment is the installation. Units and appliances are often fairly similarly priced, but the cost of labour can blow the budget of your kitchen project.

If you are good at DIY, you may find that building kitchen cabinets is similar to building flat-pack furniture and there are always plenty of instructions to follow. If DIY is not something you’re good at, kitchen specialists such as can help with your kitchen refurb.

Spend on the Essentials

Even if you are good at DIY, there are always some important jobs that are worth spending money on.

Electrics in a kitchen can be complicated. There are often a lot of appliances in a small space, so plugs need to be installed in the correct places by an electrician.

Plumbing can seem like a job you can take on yourself, but nobody wants puddles in their new cupboards or a leak under the washing machine. So it is best to hire a plumber and get all the water-based appliances installed correctly.

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Finishing Touches

Painting is an easy job that you can do yourself to save money. All the DIY and hardware stores have tester pots so you can experiment with the right colours before you start.

Maurice Andrews

Maurice Andrews

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