Ways to strengthen your family bonds

Work, school and busy schedules can interfere with quality family time. Some families may struggle to find the leisure to sit down and enjoy each other’s company on a daily basis, such is the need to meet deadlines and complete work-related jobs and household tasks. Here are some ways that you can re-establish that special bond with your parents or children and enjoy activities together.

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Share meals together and enjoy good quality family time

Discuss the daily happenings of the day over your evening meal and ensure all members of the family sit down together. Gather everyone around the table and take time to talk and listen in a meaningful way. With jobs and busy schedules taking over people’s lives, a simple twenty-minute meal can allow you to enjoy the company of loved ones.

Try new activities together

Enjoying a board or card game can bring fun and laughter into your children’s lives. Switch off your mobile phone and don’t get distracted or tempted by the many social media platforms. Take time to go for a walk, cycle together or simply talk about a forthcoming holiday.

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Enjoy an activity together, such as crochet or knitting or a form of craft. Crochet kits for the whole family can be browsed on sites such as www.woolcouturecompany.com/collections/crochet-kits. According to a recent study reported by CNN, children with strong family bonds are more likely to flourish in life.

Connect with far-off family members

Maybe you have relatives around the world, and you haven’t spoken to them for years. Why not re-establish a connection and take time to talk and catch up on their news? This can put enjoyment back into the family circle and strengthen the bonds.

Stay active and take time to cycle, walk or hike

Being active and enjoying the great outdoors with the family can lessen stress and enable good mental health. Cycle, walk or enjoy a hike up the mountains once a week. Tailor your activity to suit the age group and ensure everyone gets involved. Fresh air and time together are beneficial for your health and mood.

Maurice Andrews

Maurice Andrews

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