Planning the Extension of your Dreams for your Home

Rather than moving house, many people who want a larger home opt to build an extension instead. There are many reasons that you might want a larger home – for a new baby on the way, relatives moving in, or to give you a space to work from home. There are many reasons for why you might decide that building an extension on your current home is better for you than moving too – it might be that you love the area you live in currently, it is convenient for you to stay for proximity to children’s schools and your workplace and also to avoid the inevitable stress and hassle of moving house!

When you decide to build an extension, one of the most important things to do is to plan well for it. Making sure that you are aware of the costs, the timescale and what to expect is essential before you take on something like this.

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There are many ways that you can extend a home so it is important to find out the possibilities and explore which ones work for you – it may be that you want to convert an attic or a garage, or you may want to add a single or double storey extension to your home. Look into all the possibilities and how you could get what you are looking for. You will also need to obtain planning permission when adding an extension so take this into consideration.

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You will need the help of professionals – look in your area for building companies, such as construction companies Manchester like Piggott and Whitfield. You will also need the help of an architect who will be able to help turn your visions into plans and will also be able to make suggestions to you which could improve your project and also reduce the costs.

Once you have done all of this then you can start to get excited for your new home extension and start to make the plans for how it will be laid out when the work is completed. Depending on the scale of your project, this could take some time, and it is wise to expect delays to large building projects like this as sometimes materials can be delayed coming from manufacturers.

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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