Tips for decorating a happier home


The decoration that you use in your house can help you create different environments that transmit different sensations. From calm to joy. Precisely this last one we are going to speak in the article today, in which we will list a series of ideas that will help you to make your home a little happier and fun, at the same time as quiet and cozy. Let’s see how you can get it.

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Flowers and plants

Flowers and plants always bring joy to our house. The natural touch they bring is necessary if you want to create these positive feelings in your home. You can place green plants, without flower, or also make compositions with colorful flowers that add an extra to your decoration. You can change them as you like and your decoration will never be the same.

The right colors

We have seen on many occasions that colors are able to alter our mood. In this case, to get a happy atmosphere you have to bet on the luminosity. For this you can use neutral tones for large walls and furniture and introduce touches of color in details, with luminous tones. Oranges, reds and yellows favor good humor, for example.

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Decorative details

Many times it is enough to see something that we love or that brings to our memory a beautiful memory to feel more happy. That’s why the decorative details are essential if you want to give joy to your home. It can be enough with a drawing of your nephew hanging on the wall, or some craftsmanship made by you or that composition of photos that take you to the last trip you’ve done.

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Joy in the children’s room

If you have kids at home they sure bring the joy there where they go. But if you want to add an extra with the decoration of your room, choose bright colors, playing as we said before with a clear base and adding more flashy details , so you will not saturate the room. Place pictures, your favorite stuffed animals, a carpet, pictures or garlands. It’s about having a good time decorating and making that decoration convey that fun feeling. If the intense tones you do not like, you can also do it with pastel colors, which are more serene but not less cheerful.

The Importance of Odors

Just as the colors awaken certain emotions in us, so do the aromas. To get a cheerful home it is important that we introduce fresh smells, for example to fresh flowers or clean, but without something that saturates too much smell or too cloying.

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A cheerful kitchen

The kitchen is sometimes a little depersonalized since we usually focus more on decorating the living room or bedroom. However, a kitchen has to be cozy and can convey that joy that we are looking for. Above all, keep it clean and tidy and introduce decorative elements that make us feel at ease when we are in it, such as aromatic plants, f colorful paths in sight, a painting on the wall, a vinyl with a funny phrase … Do not underestimate The decorative capacity of your kitchen.

A Unified Style

If you want your house to evoke those positive feelings that we are looking for you can use a unified style in all rooms. It may be enough that all the rooms have a small decorative detail that serves as the guiding thread for all the decoration, that is well in each room individually and in the whole of the house. That will bring a sense of harmony that, in the end, will transmit joy. Because it is not about looking for stridency and filling everything with color. Joy, often, is also a serene feeling. The one that makes you smile.

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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