Choosing the most important furniture baby room

baby room

Are you expecting the arrival of a baby? Then we recommend that you put as soon as possible to decorate your room. It is best to do so in the second quarter, preferably at five months pregnant, as during this stage natural abortion risk is greatly reduced. It is also important to note that around the fifth month already know if child, so you’ll have more freedom in choosing themes and colors. Yes, it is ideal that the room is completed before the seventh month of pregnancy, when mothers begin to be more tired and have less mobility. In addition, from 7 months it is difficult to predict when it will reach the small. In any case, the important thing is that the bedroom be prepared before birth, because once baby is born, you have no time for anything.

To lend a hand with this task, now we want to give you some tips to choose the most important pieces of furniture in the babys room. Would you like to join us?

baby room
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The most important piece of furniture in the babys room is the cradle, so you should choose it carefully, considering the little sleep there until 3 years and even longer, since the market can be found cribs convertible into beds, an option which is worth investing. Of course, regardless of whether convertible or not, the important thing is that the crib is safe: take the label; does not have elements that the baby can dig or tear; and that the bars have blunt edges and be smooth, keeping a distance from each other enough for the small cannot fit in the head.

baby room
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Storage Systems

In the baby’s room should not miss storage systems needed to keep all the elements required to care for the small, besides his clothes, shoes and toys. Also, if you do not want to have to change the furniture once the baby becomes a small man, it is best that you consider that as they grow, children accumulate more possessions. Therefore, we recommend that you choose a cabinet with enough space for storage, always depending on the square footage of the room. Also, if you spare space it is advisable to place a chest of drawers. Otherwise, you can always opt for a crib that includes drawers in one side.

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Another piece of furniture should be placed in the baby’s room if there is extra space is changing. Yes, you should know that the market will find different options: furniture changers; bathtubs-changers, who have a lid on top; and exchangers included in comfortable. From our point of view, this last option is the most appropriate, because when you already have not diapering the small family, the furniture will still be useful as storage space. Also, you should know that there are also changers convertible. On the other hand, we want to comment that the important thing is that this piece is high enough so that the back will not suffer.

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Although not essential, if you have enough space in the room is also a good idea to place a seat, very useful to nurse, soothe and sleep the baby and, of course, so parents can rest. The ideal here is to opt for a rocking chair that also have a special charm, very convenient and practical.

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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