Reducing the Risk of Mould in your Home

One of the last things that anyone wants in their home is mould. Mould is a type of fungus, and it comes from spores in the air. It can form anywhere around the home, from walls to floors to clothing, and as well as being unsightly it is also very bad for the health of the people who live in the house.

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It is important to prevent mould from developing in your home, especially if you or someone in the house has a respiratory illness, or you have very young babies and children or elderly people living there.

Here are some things to look out for and do in order to help prevent mould forming in your home…

Ventilate Areas that are Prone to Damp – Certain parts of the home, such as bathrooms and kitchens need adequate ventilation as they are most at risk of mould due to the amount of water frequently being used in these rooms. Opening a window to air the room and using an extractor fan helps with this.

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Use Air Conditioning and Air Dehumidifiers – Something that can really help to reduce your mould risk in the home is the use of air conditioning or an air dehumidifier. Air conditioning can also help in the summer to keep your home cool, and it is best to get it installed professionally by someone like this air conditioning Gloucester based company

Dehumidifiers take a lot of the moisture out of the air and therefore reduce the risk of mould.

Make sure your Appliances aren’t Leaking – Appliances like the fridge, freezer and washing machine can all lead to problems with mould if they become damaged or break and spring a leak. Checking on your appliances regularly is important for this reason, as this will not only allow you to repair or replace it when you notice signs of leaking, but also helps to reduce the risk of mould forming.

Make sure there is Room for Air to Circulate – Rooms that are too full make the flow of air very limited, and in this case, it can lead to mould developing. When it comes to furniture, make sure that there is space around it and don’t have it right up close to the wall. It is a good idea to keep rooms free of clutter for this reason.

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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