7 Ideas decorating the American style

American style

As if you lived in a film shot in the United States. So you can feel if you decide to decorate your home in true American style, a style with a personality that distinguish safe see anything else. And we met the defining characteristics of this type of decoration, so today we will look in more detail at 7 Ideas to help you dress up your home this special way. Go for it!

1. Large furniture and wood

You can start by an American touch to your decor betting on comfortable furniture and large, padded and upholstered, sturdy chairs, like sofas. Remember that wood is the great protagonist of this decorative style, so you can also use for furnishings and flooring. For the warm and cozy touch adds textiles, such as cushions and carpets, also generously sized.

American style
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2. The American Flag

Few things are more American than the stars and stripes . A strategically placed American flag can be very decorative and help your home purchase, with this simple but effective touch, a completely different look.

3. Lush vegetation

Sure you have in mind the typical American bungalow or two plants surrounded by full of plants and flowers. This decorative style can also lead to the outside of your home, for that you must opt for lush vegetation which get create an amazing outdoor area.

American style
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4. A rocker on the porch

We continue outside, where you can not miss a seesaw. It will be great if you porch, but if not, nothing happens, is also incredibly well on your terrace or garden.

You may also like to read another article on RealOrigin: How to decorate with tropical style

5. Decoration 50s style

It is certainly my favorite. The decor retro style year 50 is very effective and allows a lot of possibilities. You can design your entire house in this way, something that will appeal to everyone, or introduce small details such as veneer sheets, plates of American cars, neon lights, poster pin-up girls, a popcorn machine, a juke box and, above all, a lot of rock and roll.

American style
Image Source: Google Image

6. Vintage Kitchen

One of the rooms you can play a lot with this type of decoration is vintage American kitchen. One way to do this is by introducing retro appliances like the typical refrigerator Smeg, or putting the checkerboard floor in black and white and adding more vibrant as turquoise and pink for the rest of the decor colors. The stools also are getting a lot of play. You’ll be in a real dinner American.

7. Small details

Sometimes, it may suffice with a small detail that we immediately move to America. For example, you can decorate your living room in soft, neutral or pastel tones, and add a cushion in red and blue, or a star, or even a sheath that simulates the drawing of the flag as we discussed earlier. With just a touch you will have already completely changed the room air.

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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