How to get rid of scuffs and scratches

It’s awful when you suddenly notice a scratch or scuff on your wooden floor in your Park Homes Gloucester way that you loving chose from places such as These scratches and scuffs can occur for a number of reasons including furniture items being dragged across the flooring, from pets that you may have or from sharp items being dropped on the floor. There are ways in which you can protect your flooring, particularly from your furniture items and methods that you can use to restore your flooring back to its original look.

These tips will help you get rid of scratches and scuffs and keep your floor looking like new!

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Surface scratches

Your solid wood flooring will have a protective layer or varnish or sealant over it, and if this gets scratched or nicked, fixing it is easy. It’s not like restoring a valuable painting: you can simply clean the affected area with a cloth and apply a new layer of coating.

The protective layer will seep into the scratch and fill it, making sure that it is no longer visible. Leave the floor to dry for at least 24 hours before walking on it, and you should be good to go. It is important that you treat your wood flooring each year to ensure that it has the highest level of protection possible. You will want to try and do this either in late Spring or early Autumn when it is warm enough for you to open all  of your windows and doors to allow any fumes from the products to escape and help your flooring to dry more quickly.

Penetrative scratches

Even if you’ve bought good quality solid wooden flooring you may still encounter catches and nicks due to wear and tear.

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To get rid of scratches that penetrate deeply you will also need to clean the affected area, then rub over it lightly with sandpaper, going with the grain. Then, rub a wax stick or a walnut over the affected area to fill in the hole. Afterwards, buff with a soft cloth, then apply the protective layer over the area you have treated. Leave the protective layer to dry for an extended period of time, as it may have to penetrate the wax or walnut that you have applied too, which this could leave it wetter for longer.

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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