Using citrus to clean home

Citrus to clean

The antimicrobial properties of lemon and other citrus makes them a perfect ingredient, when combined with other ingredients, get a flawless and free cleaning of toxic chemicals.

Citrus fruits are the fruits of sour taste that can include multiple ways in our diet plan. They are characterized by their high content of vitamin C and its antimicrobial properties, which can be exploited in many ways at home. Although often are given culinary and medicinal uses, it is good to know that also are excellent allies housecleaning.

In fact, many of their active ingredients are used by large companies for the manufacture of detergents, soaps and other toiletries. However, as the intention is to put aside the harsh chemicals and opt for greener alternatives, this time we want to highlight their uses in its natural state. Then we share several ways to use clean spaces to leave your home. Do not miss it!

Remove stains from clothes

The acids containing lemon and orange are useful to remove sweat stains that are formed in the armpits and collars. Depending on the type of substance, also it serves to remove leftover food, inks and other elements that may alter the garment.

What should you do?

  • Apply citrus juice on stains, leave on 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.
  • If you prefer, cut into slices, add them in a bucket with hot water and let soak garments for 3 or 4 hours.
  • Then you only have to rinse or enter in the normal cycle of the washing machine.

Degrease the kitchen

With each passing day, the kitchen begins to accumulate fat remains in many of its surfaces. This is often difficult to remove and often an additional product is required to remove it completely. If you do not like the idea of getting degreasing chemicals, try the following trick with salt and lemon. It’s very effective!

What should you do?

  • Sprinkle a little salt on areas aggregate oiled and then lemon juice.
  • Leave it for about five minutes and remove excess with a clean cloth or sponge.
  • Try to do it at least once a week to avoid thick layers of fat forming.

Sanitize the cutting board

Although all the time we ignore it, the cutting board is one of the most contaminated items we have in our home. Their constant exposure to moisture and food creates a perfect environment for growing bacteria. The antimicrobial properties of lemon help us sanitize, eliminating odors step.

What should you do?

  • Sprinkle a little salt on the table and rub with plenty of lemon juice.
  • Let stand 5 minutes and rinse with cold water.
You may also like to read another article on RealOrigin: Simple ideas for clean and perfect house

Clean Steel

If you want to recover the brightness of your stainless steel items exploits the properties of lemon juice.

What should you do?

  • Rub half a lemon over each object, let stand a couple of minutes with a clean cloth.
  • To enhance its effects you can mix it with a small amount of salt.

Neutralize odor

The delicious smells of citrus fruits are perfect to acclimate room in your home without using harsh chemicals.

What should you do?

  • Place the orange peel, grapefruit or lemon in a pot with water, bring them to a boil for 5 minutes and let the vapors arising in all corners desired.
  • If you prefer to use another way, you can sprinkle the juice using a spray bottle.
Citrus to clean
Image Source: Google Image

Clean floors and tiles

Tiled floors and the house acquire dirt, mold and various types of stains that do not look well at all. Lemon juice combined with white vinegar helps us achieve a natural cleanser to leave as new these surfaces.

What should you do?

  • Mix the lemon juice with equal parts white vinegar and water.
  • Pour the product in a spray bottle and spray it on the areas you want to clean.
  • Leave it a couple of minutes and rub.

Shine wood furniture

Over time the floors and wooden furniture lose their natural shine. To restore and improve their appearance, try the following trick with lemon.

What should you do?

  • Combine half a cup of lemon juice with a cup of olive oil and rub it on the wood.

Clean the toilet

A paste of baking soda with lemon serves to disinfect and remove stains toilets.

How do I use it?

  • Mix the lemon juice with a couple of tablespoons of sodium (20 g) baking soda and apply with a brush.
  • Leave it for 3 minutes and rinse.

Have you already used citrus to clean your home? Dare to implement these tricks and checks that are excellent alternatives to expensive products on the market.

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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