Ideas to decorate your terrace in winter


What do you think enjoy your terrace or balcony in winter? Do you dare to challenge the cold? Of course! Nothing prevents you from doing so. And for that, we’ll give you some decorating ideas very interesting for this time of year that seems to leave something forgotten the exterior spaces of our house. Nothing better than to get something warm and have a special place to enjoy low temperatures. Surely with this decoration so cool you will not be able to resist …


Summer seems to want more choice decorated in bright and light colors and in winter we chose the darkest and neutral colors. For your winter terrace, brown or gray, combined with black and white, get air give a very welcoming to this space. If you like, you can give small notes of color through small accessories such as a candle or some cushion.

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In the decoration winter terraces textiles play, if possible, a much more important than during the rest of the year paper. And it is that we will use to convey that feeling of warmth and also to really get it , since you if you put blankets, gorditas and wool, for example, in addition to decorating, you can cover them and thus enjoy this beautiful outdoor setting. Not missing soft carpets and comfortable cushions.

Spaces for storage

When decorating your terrace to enjoy the winter it is important to use extra storage systems for storing blankets, carpets and other textiles you employ to keep safe from the cold. So they will not catch moisture. You can put a chest a chest or armorer that matches the decorative style that have dress your terrace, if more Nordic type or you have given boho air, for example.

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The lighting

In winter it gets dark pretty early so it is important you have available adequate lighting if you go out to your balcony when it is dark. Place a high point light to shine generally the area where you are and you can also put points of light through small lamps, candles, wreaths, lanterns, light bulbs. You get a pleasant environment.

You may also like to read another article on RealOrigin: Earning privacy on your terrace or garden


Wood is the most natural element cozy for your winter terrace. We moved to high mountain landscapes and you can use both as placing furniture, for example, some logs stacked for decoration.

The textures of textiles

The textures such as wool, velvet or synthetic hair are best suited for this winter decoration.They are decorative and calentitas simultaneously.

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Winter decorative objects

In addition to furniture and textiles, your winter decoration should also include objects that evoke this time of year. For example, you can place a sled leaning against a wall, skis, put some artificial snow on your plants, wooden trunks mentioned before or a basket of dried pineapples.


To decorate and heat the room at the same time nothing better to place an outdoor stove on your terrace. They are of many kinds and heat a lot, so there will be no excuse to not go away in winter.

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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