Homemade natural paints to decorate

Natural Painting

Furniture, accessories, wall and ceiling paint is a basic decor in any environment. So we wanted to dedicate this article to one of the great protagonists of the house: the color. In any gardening store we can buy paintings of numerous brands and a wide variety of colors.

However, current trends opt for the natural paints, chemical-free, sustainable and healthy for decoration. How about making green house paint? In this article we join the green trend with some ideas that you cannot lose…

Natural Painting
Credit: Google Image

Homemade milk paint

The milk-based paint is very easy to manufacture. A much greener and healthier choice for any room of the house. The ingredients you will need to make are:

  • 2 cups milk (whole, semi-skimmed or skimmed)
  • 1 tablespoon vinegar
  • 150 grams of chalk
  • 1 glass of cold water
  • Plant pigments to color

Do you already have everything you need? The first step is to obtain the milk curd. To do this you must heat the 2 cups mixed with a tablespoon of vinegar milk, but without allowing it to boil.

When the milk has curdled need to remove the yellowish debris produced by heating. Then milk curd deposited on a cloth and let stand overnight. Once that time has elapsed, you will have a similar paste of yogurt.

The next step is to mix 150 grams of chalk in a glass of cold water and wait until thickened. Then you can add the vegetable pigments to color our painting.

The last step is to mix all these ingredients until well blended. If you want to get a more professional finish, try adding a teaspoon of oil.

Homemade potato-based paint

Another recipe for natural, organic and healthy home-based paint is potato. First of all, the ingredients:

  • 150 grams of potatoes (any kind)
  • 1 ½ cups of water
  • 150 grams of powdered chalk
  • 1 glass of cold water
  • Plant pigments to color

Starts with 150 grams of cooked potatoes without the skin until a puree. Then you must add 1 ½ cups of boiling water and mix well.

Moreover, you have to mix 150 grams of powdered chalk in a glass of cold water. Wait until thickened and add the color pigments. Mix both ingredients until well blended.

The last step is to mix all ingredients until house paint. As in the previous recipe, if you want to get a more professional finish and waterproof, do not forget add a teaspoon of oil of any kind.

You can use this paint to decorate the house, from walls to furniture and accessories. The paintings usually sold in stores are made ​​with chemical ingredients that make them environmentally unfriendly and recommended for health. So our proposals for natural paints are a great option.

Advantages of home and natural paints

Sustainable paintings, based on natural ingredients, have become very popular because they are less hazardous to health.

With home and natural paint the walls perspire. This makes the moisture that accumulates in the environment flow better. Also, they do not cause those bothersome and noxious odors as with conventional paints, which prevent us from breathing.

Another advantage is that we customize our own painting, whose manufacture is simple and sustainable. Which means that is respectful not only our health but also the environment.

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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