Three Things to Sort out in Your Garden After the Storms of February

After the many storms that we have had in the UK during February, there is a lot of work to be done in the garden this Spring! As well as all of the usual jobs, it is well worth making sure that your garden hasn’t suffered any damage from the storms that have ravaged the country. Here are some of the things that you can do before you start to get busy sowing seeds…

Check the Fences – Fences are common casualties of winter storms, so even if your fence was fine earlier in the winter it is worth checking it now. Look for gaps and cracks in the fence, and signs of weakness, as these could cause problems in the future. Repairing them now will be cheaper and easier than waiting for further damage to occur.

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Look after Trees – If you have trees in your garden, then it is a good idea to get a professional in to inspect them, like Kieran Boyland Tree Surgeon Poole. Trees that have been damaged by the stormy weather could be at risk of falling and causing damage or injury, so it is wise to have them checked now.

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Check Roofs and Gutters – The roof of your home protects you from the weather, but you must also take care of it. Check for any loose or missing tiles as well as damage to gutters and drainpipes and get this repaired as soon as possible – you could end up with worse problems.

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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