6 essential for your home office

home office

Working from home is an option that facilitate more companies. In addition, entrepreneurs and freelance establish their hub in their own home and it is essential to have a comfortable, bright space and to be independent. But if your apartment is small either you have to forgo to have a great office.

But what are those essential elements that cannot miss in your office? Despite being a workplace we encourage you not neglect decorating it, since designing a friendly atmosphere and that favors the concentration will help you work more comfortable and therefore be more productive. Let’s see what it is that cannot miss in your home office.

home office
Image Source: Google Image

1. The order

Fundamental maintain order in your office. There may be moments of chaos, papers on the table, but if you get the organization to be one of your premises certainly work better. There are decorative solutions that help you in this task, for example, the creation of panels where you can leave your notes, ideas or notes in an orderly manner and at the same time, very decorative. Do not forget to put some shelves, cabinets and closets to store your stuff.

2. The table and chair

Although we are in a decorating blog, we cannot overlook the importance of talking about the worktable. You should think about the space you have available to it and decide whether you want with drawers, wood or other material, if you will place on it the printer and file cabinets … As for the decorative theme, you can play with the style and colors in depending on which air want to give your office. Regarding the chair that is ergonomic, comfortable and help you maintain good posture.

home office
Image Source: Google Image

3. Customization

There is nothing cooler than an office without customization. It is essential that you give your more personal touch to make it a welcoming place. This is not to saturate with many decorative elements, but placing them strategically. Some pictures, an inspiring phrase, a plant, an object that motivates you every time you look … You can also give your office for a Nordic style or vintage, for example.

You may also like to read another article on RealOrigin: Office decorating trends 2016

4. The lighting

In your home office, you must have adequate lighting. Try to make the most of natural light (it is recommended not give directly to the computer screen) and installs some point and spot light on the table so that, at any given time, you can lighten your papers or your computer.

home office
Image Source: Google Image

5. Colors

Inside the decor of your office the colors play an important role. And it is that your choice can influence your mood. Everything will depend on what kind of job you go to perform in this space, more creative, more serene and needs more insight … The bright colors like orange or yellow stimulate imagination, while neutrals and soft as lavender, green water or light blue foster concentration. To maintain the energy, you can make small splashes of vibrant colors in a decorative object.

6. Materials

To achieve greater focus and create a cozy and warm atmosphere in which to work the wood will be your best choice. If your floor is wood you not need you to wear to make works: Place a mat of natural fibers and you’ll be providing a warmer air to your office. Also, you can add touches of glass or copper, or other materials to give it some pizzazz.

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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