Ideas to improve the sale of your home

Read these ten tips for ideas on how to make a home office work for you, no matter how much room you have to play with.  Maybe before you do all the work however make sure you are really happy with your home as it could be a good idea to find a forever home first by hiring an Estate Agents Cheltenham company through sites like and then do some of these tips below in your new house.

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Lighten Up

Any spare space near a window can make a good spot for a mini-office: a small desk and comfy chair set near a window will make the most of the natural light.

Double Time

Desks can take up a lot of room, so consider using a piece of furniture already in situ. A sideboard or dressing table can double as perfect workspaces while still performing their original functions.

Sleepy Study

A bedroom can be the ideal place to create an office or workspace. Often quiet and out of the way of the hustle and bustle, a desk set up away from the bed will be a bonus for getting work done.

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Colour Happy

A distinct colour scheme can help separate an office space from the rest of a room. Think calm, relaxing colours to encourage clear thinking and avoid distracting patterns.

Got It Cornered

Any spare corner can be transformed into an office. Simply add the right furniture for a useful place to study or read.

Deck the Halls

Hallways are often overlooked in houses but can offer a great place for an office. Set a desk and lamp against one wall and get to work.

Hit the Wall

A bare wall can provide a perfect canvas for an office. Floating shelves can offer useful storage, while a simple chair is a good place to sit for a few moments’ peace.

Nook and Cranny

Older houses often have little nooks and crannies that can be easily turned into workspaces. A simple shelf built across can be a great desk, and a few shelves will help transform the space.

Good to Share

If you already have an office space in your home, consider dividing it in two for additional users.


It can be difficult to get work done with small children around, but their bedrooms can double as fantastic home offices. Simply add a desk in one corner – you can use it yourself for now, and little ones can use it for homework later.


Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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