Solar panels are cutting energy bills at leisure centres

As the surge for renewable power continues to grow, demand for clean energy technologies is driving demand across the green tech industry, whether for heat pumps in Guildford or solar panels in Gloucester. It is not just businesses and homeowners that are looking for ways to increase their energy sustainability, cut bills, and reduce their carbon emissions, as councils are also looking at ways to install renewable technologies across their estate of public buildings.

How solar energy helps leisure centres

One example of how this is bringing instant benefits is at a leisure centre that has recently been upgraded with a rooftop solar installation to tackle the problem of rising bills. Leisure centres tend to have long, flat rooftops due to their interior layout, which are ideal for solar PV panels similar to the solar panels Gloucester installed on houses by solar energy companies such as

Slashing energy costs for leisure centres

Three sports centres in Cornwall now have solar panels, which it is hoped will slash expensive swimming pool costs. The installations have been supported by Sport England funding worth £200,000. Additional funding of over £175,000 has also just been announced for pool covers and solar panels, which will continue to make the pools more efficient. The leisure centre operators believe these solar upgrades will slash their energy bills by one-third.

It is hoped that work to install solar panels on the three sports centres in Cornwall will help to significantly reduce swimming pool energy costs. Sport England has been able to support this investment with its Swimming Pool Support Fund, worth £60 million, thanks to a combination of government money and lottery funding.

This innovative new development will mean that swimming pools can continue to run at a time when many were considering reduced hours or even closures because of rising bills. With the public need for fitness and exercise options higher than ever, this is great news for the local communities that rely on leisure facilities, particularly to meet swimming demand.

Nina Smith

Nina Smith

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