7 ideas to give your home a fun touch

fun touch at home

Do you feel like givingyour home decorafunny look?Let’s see someideaswith which you can print a different touch to a room, either through the use of color, original decorative objects or elements that maybe in theory “should” be somewhere else but you can search a new utility.It is about playing and that always rejoices.

There are many ways to achieve this and today we will discover seven of them.Which I think can be more fun when designing a different setting.We already know that this is a matter of taste, but the important thing is that you get asmilefrom you every time you see them.

1. Power your geek side

fun touch at home
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We all have ageek side.And I will never use this word with a negative connotation.What’s more, I love being a geek.I am referring towhat we are passionate about, that we love, that hobby that we can sometimes take to the extreme because, ultimately, we have fun.If you are asuperherogeekyou can bet on a decoration according to it.If you are more ofLEGOyou also have many options.Or if you love being in betweenbooks.Star Wars is also an endless source of ideas.Or are you more agamer?

2. Tropical prints

fun touch at home
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This year’sUrban Junglestyleis a decorative trend.Personally I think it is acheerful and funny decorationas it uses very vivid colors and tropical prints ideal to give a different touch to the rooms where you use them.

3. Color-filled sheets

fun touch at home
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If you want to give a cheerful touch to the walls of your house bet on the use ofsheets.You can choose irreverent messages, humorous, or drawings that no one expects to see in a room, for example, and may be more appropriate for the children’s room.In any case, give a twist to what is considered “conventional” and sure that you find that fun air you are looking for.

You may also like to read: How to decorate with tropical style

4. Fun accessories

fun touch at home
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Theaccessoriescan give a fun brushstroke to any room of the house.You can continue playing with your geek side or you can also do other types of elements like the two that I am going to teach you now, which I have loved.To the left we see a shelf in the shape of a fire escape and to the right a support for the cups and glasses with a clear message.

5. Colorful in the children’s room

fun touch at home
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Thechildren’s roomis one of the rooms of the house where more fun is allowed.It comes implicit in who is going to sleep in it, who will be a child for whom the game is the most important right now.Why do not we play with him?We have a lot of options.My favorite is to introduce colorful in the room to give you that cheerful air that invites us to have fun.A blackboard will always be welcome as well.

6. The color is always cheerful

fun touch at home
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And it is that the color, we use it where we use it, it transmitsjoy.It is true that we must do it withbalanceand without passing to avoid stridency that instead of creating fun environments take us to stressful places.But good employee is always fun.You can use it in furniture, walls, accessories, textiles, … Where and how you like.

7. Fun at work

fun touch at home
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There are companies that take literally the fun and decide to move tothe work environment in order to make their employees feel happier, more motivated and consequently more productive.This is the case of Google, Facebook, Cartoon Networks or Candy Crush, for example.Do not you think it’s a past?

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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