Three Ways to Help Beat the Winter Blues

The winter blues are something that many people feel at this time of the year. As the fun and excitement of Christmas and New Year start to feel like a distant memory, the days still feel cold and grey and the nights are as long as ever (despite the fact that we are in fact now gaining more daylight day by day, it can be hard to notice this!).

Making sure that you care for yourself during this period of time is really important, and there are lots of things that you can to that can help you to overcome these feelings.

One of the main reasons for feeling low and tired at this time of the year is the lack of sunlight. Not only does sunlight help to keep us alert, but it is also the main way that we get Vitamin D, which is vital for many of our body’s systems to work properly, for strong bones and for  improving our mood. Taking a daily vitamin D supplement is the best way to get the right amount of it into our bodies at this time of the year when the sunlight is in short supply.

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Spending time doing something creative can also be a really helpful way to give your mood a positive boost. Creativity is good for the brain, and can help you to get away from those negative thoughts and feelings. It might be that you want to try your hand at painting, or learn a new skill like knitting – you can get knitting kits online from places like Wool Couture and there are lots of tutorials to help you get started on the internet.

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Be aware of what you are putting into your body as this can have a big impact on how you feel. Cut down on processed food and eat more fresh fruit and vegetables. This will also help to boost your immune system which is important in the winter months with all those bugs going around. Other substances to consider reducing or cutting out include alcohol and caffeine. Both of these can affect your sleep pattern which can cause you to suffer more with your mental health.

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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