Fireplaces decorated for Christmas


Each time is less for the arrival of Christmas. In fact, ads for toys, perfumes and nougat are already flooding the screens and the streets and the windows begin to be decorated for these special days. So it’s time to start thinking about decorating your own home, which is where we really have to breathe the Christmas spirit.

If you are lucky enough to have a fireplace in your home do not hesitate to decorate it, because this is one of the most characteristic elements of Christmas classics with fir trees. To find the necessary inspiration, today we will show you a lot of images of fireplaces decorated for the holidays. In addition, we will take this opportunity to offer some interesting ideas and tips. Would you like to join us ? You’d make sure you will not regret it!

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A simple and elegant fireplace

As you can see yourself having a look at the images that we show in our gallery, you can decorate the fireplace in multiple ways. For example, if you want your Christmas decoration is characterized by simplicity and elegance, you can choose to add only a few candles. Of course, the ideal is that they are of the typical Christmas colors: gold, silver, red … As you can see in the picture on the left, you can complete the decor with some green and letters to form a word related to these dates. You will also have a simple Christmas fireplace but if you hang some typical socks, as you can see in the image on the right.

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Color ways

A good idea when decorating the chimneys is to focus on one or two colors. Of course, the ideal is concerned tone typical of this time, as you’ve said before. Among the combinations that best resultants they are red and green, and white and red, as you can see in the following images.

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Typical ornaments

One of the trimmings not usually miss on the Christmas fireplaces are socks, which can leave some gifts. Of course, you can also opt to garlands, balls, candles, trees, the pine cones, holly, figurines, lights … In fact, if the chimney has shelf, can put on it all the decorative objects they desire you. Yes, it is important that the decoration of the fireplace go in line with the rest of the home. Also, we do not recommend recharging too.

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Do not forget crowns

Beyond the classic socks, you should not forget the crown, which can be great on the wall of the chimney. In addition to providing a green and natural touch, it is very typical elements of this time of year. The find of many types, but most of them include Christmas decorations, as you can see in the photos that we show below these lines.

Inside chimneys

If you do not use the fireplace because you like more heat, because it is a decorative fireplace or simply because they do not want, you can also choose to decorate the interior with different elements. You can do this by wooden logs, gifts, candles, lanterns, figures Bethlehem … Of course, we recommend placing the Christmas tree next to this element so characteristic of winter.

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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