When You Have Kids And Pets Which Carpets Are Best?

Kids and pets can be very rough on your carpets. You can pretty much bank on some form of damage being done whether it’s a spill or an accident of some kind or heavy amounts of foot traffic. So when you’re contemplating what kind of carpeting to have installed in your home, some options are better than others for when it comes to managing the inevitable.

So while color and style of carpet are obviously important for making the best choice for your home, when you have children and animals living with you, it’s also about finding the best fibers and textures. This will make sure you have a long lasting carpet that won’t suffer the many potential impacts that will most likely affect its appearance while it’s in your home.

Before you head out to the carpet store and check out the various samples and options that are on display, here are some of the facets you will want in the carpet you ultimately have installed.

Fiber Choice

You have a wide range of options when you’re considering the fibers of your carpet. Certain types will be better suited for a home that is prone to more accidents over those that you will have a tough time trying to maintain properly for the purposes of preserving the carpet’s appearance.

For starters, you’ll want to opt for synthetic fibers over natural simply because they’re much easier to clean. Nylon is resistant to all kinds of impacts including spills and constant foot traffic. These are a sturdy fiber that keep their shape and won’t get damaged under consistent abuse.

These fibers also maintain their color much longer and won’t fade over time. When it comes to finding a fiber that can stand up to the punishment that kids and pets can dish out, you’ll want to stay with a synthetic option such as nylon.

Another type of fiber to consider is polyester as it provides exceptional stain resistance while remaining soft and comfortable to the touch. You’ll be spending a lot of time on this carpet and you still want it to feel nice and inviting while also staying steadfast against the horrors that can be brought upon it with everyday use.

Color Options

Your first inclination may be to go with a carpet that is dark in color. After all, it will hide those hard to remove stains that can mar a carpet’s appearance for the long term, right?

Wrong. Deep, dark colors are almost as bad as going with a bright, light color for your carpet. Both will show off all the dirt, grime, and stains that you are trying to avoid and hide. When you go with a dark carpet, you may be able to hide that fruit punch stain but you can also bet that you’ll see plenty of pet hair and dander strewn about.

So when you’re checking your colors and shades, go with something in the medium range. Nothing too dark or too light, but a shade right in the middle. Blues, grays, light browns, these are all suitable for a home that has pets and children.

Remember, no matter what type of carpet you ultimately select, be sure you seek out good Carpet Cleaning Omaha to maintain that floor covering with some professional attention.

Nickolas Hunter

Nickolas Hunter

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